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Sept. 15, 2020

How Culture Drives Revenue & Profit

How Culture Drives Revenue & Profit

Most businesses haven’t fully tapped into how their culture actually helps them gain a competitive edge and close more business.

My name is James Mayhew, YOUR chief culture officer, and that’s the topic for this Jam Session.

Make no mistake, your organizational culture drives revenue and profitability for your business.

But very few companies have figured out how culture actually helps them sell better, deliver a better product and experience, and ultimately win more customers.

Good business invest in the resources, tools and equipment to do the job well. 

They’ll work on product and sales training, competitive pricing and driving traffic to their stores or websites.

But often they miss one key ingredient:  creating a culture of excellence and developing people.

Companies that are excelling in 2020 are going all in on coaching up people.

They’re investing in things like essential skills training, 
how to give and receive feedback 

They’re teaching their people to identify emerging leaders and providing ways to mentor them

They’re focused on extracting potential instead of trying to managing people

See your culture is all about performance — it’s the driver of your performance.

It works for you by attracting more great people to your team

Develops those great people into rock stars

your culture becomes your standard for how you approach work, make decisions and share information

And it organically teaches and trains those standards on an ongoing and frequent basis

In business it’s easy and even ordinary to talk about “great customer service”

And as a leader in their industry, they know it’s uncommon — even extraordinary — wen you can consistently deliver an outstanding employee experience. 

And I promise you this, it will drive sales and boost your bottom line.

Confidence Covered by Humility is a podcast that explores what it takes to lead your business, your team and your home with humble confidence.