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Sept. 15, 2020

How to Become an Employer of Choice with Culture

How to Become an Employer of Choice with Culture

“I want our company to be an employer of choice.”

I’ve worked with a number of business owners who’ve said this exact phrase to me.

You can try it by:

- Paying top of market
- Offering a comprehensive benefits package
- Selling great products
- Managing expenses closely
- Crafting clever job descriptions and posts


If you truly want to become an employer of choice, you’ll focus on developing people.

And the most sustainable, most scalable way to do that?


Your organizational values are the most important part of your culture.

Values define what you stand for;
and what you don’t stand for.

They provide a foundation for expectations, how to work, and they eliminate excuses.

I’m working with a manager to integrate their company values into their daily operations.

She’s growing in confidence and her leadership has taken leaps!


Because the majority of people she’s responsible for helped write the values!

They’re already bought in!

She’s moving from managing people to leading them;

Delegating responsibilities, not just tasks.

Coaching instead of telling.

To be an employer of choice you build a culture around values!

Learn more about business & leadership coaching with James at https://jamesmayhew.com

Confidence Covered by Humility is a podcast that explores what it takes to lead your business, your team and your home with humble confidence.